22436 New Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express Train

The 22436 New Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express is India’s first (1st) semi-high-speed train, connecting the NCT of Delhi to the state of Uttar Pradesh. The train running from New Delhi to Varanasi Junction, passes through multiple cities and stops at Kanpur Central and Prayagraj Junction along its route.

Train Timetables and Schedules

Station Name



Halt Time


New Delhi


06:00 AM


0 km

Kanpur Central

10:08 AM

10:10 AM

02 min

441 km

Prayagraj Junction

12:08 PM

12:10 PM

02 min

635 km

Varanasi Junction

02:00 PM



759 km

General Overview

Get a quick overview of the 22436 New Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express, offering fundamental details about this train’s service, series, operator zone, and more.

Train ServiceVande Bharat Express (formerly known as Train18)
Train TypeSemi-High-Speed
Train NameNew Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express
Train Number22436
No of Coaches20
Train SeriesFirst (1st) Vande Bharat Express Train
Train GenerationFirst Train | First Generation->Upgraded in 2023 to the 2nd Generation
Train VersionVande Bharat 1.0 or VB1->Now Vande Bharat 2.0 or VB2
Designed ByResearch Designs and Standards Organisation (RDSO)
Manufactured ByIntegral Coach Factory (ICF)
Operated ByIndian Railways
Current Operator ZoneNorthern Railways (NR)
Inaugural Run15 February 2019
Commercial Run15 February 2019
Reverse Route:22435 Varanasi-New Delhi Vande Bharat Express Train

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Train TimetablesCoach PositionPlatform Number

Platform Number and Stops

Halt/StopsStation NameStation Code*Platform Number
StartNew DelhiNDLS16
FirstKanpur CentralCNB4
SecondPrayagraj JunctionPRYJ6
EndVaranasi JunctionBSB1

Coach Position and Its Components

Coach Serial Number:1234567891011121314151617181920
Coach Position:T1C1C2C3C4C5C6C7E1E2C8C9C10C11C12C13C14C15C16C17C18T1
Coach Color:Aqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorPink ColorPink ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua ColorAqua Color
Seating Capacity:4478787878787852527878787878787878787844
Seating Arrangement:3×23×23×23×23×23×23×22×22×23×23×23X23X23X23X23X23X23X23X23X2

Train Routes and Frequency

Train RoutesNew Delhi → Kanpur Central → Prayagraj Junction → Varanasi Junction
FrequencySix days a week, excluding Thursdays
Running DaysSundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays

Speed and Distance

SpeedAverage: 95 km/h | Maximum: 130 km/h
Distance759 km
Travel Time8 hours


Station (From/To)CC Fare (₹)EC Fare (₹)
New Delhi to Kanpur Central11152130
New Delhi to Prayagraj Junction14202760
New Delhi to Varanasi Junction18053355

Note: Fares include all additional charges, such as catering fees and other related costs, applicable only for the general quota.

Connecting State and City

Connecting State/UTDelhi and Uttar Pradesh
Connecting CityNew Delhi and Varanasi
Journey DaysSingle Day
Intermediate Stations2 halts and 122 Intermediate Stations between New Delhi and Varanasi Junction

Features and Facilities

No. of Coaches20
Coach Class(es)The Vande Bharat Express is equipped with two types of coaches: AC Chair Car coaches, numbered from C1 to C18, and AC Executive Chair Car coaches designated as E1 and E2.
Coach PositionsThe 20-coach position layout of the 22436 New Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express is as follows: C1 → C2 → C3 → C4 → C5 → C6 → C7 → E1 → E2 → C8 → C9 → C10 → C11 → C12 → C13 → C14 → C15 → C16 → C17 → C18. In terms of coach allocation, Coaches No. 1 to 7 (C1 to C7) are designated as Chair Car (CC), Coaches No. 8 and 9 (E1 and E2) are reserved for Executive Class (EC), while Coaches No. 10 to 20 (C8 to C18) are also allocated as Chair Car (CC).
No of AC Chair Coach Classes18
Seating Arrangement AC Chair Car3×2
No of AC Executive Chair Car Coach Classes2
Seating Arrangement AC Executive Chair Car2×2
Total Passenger Seating Capacity1440
Seating Passengers Capacity by Coach NoIn the seating arrangement, both C1 and C18 coaches are designed to accommodate 44 passengers each. Moving on to C2 through C17 coaches, these compartments offer spacious seating for 78 passengers each. Additionally, E1 and E2 coaches are tailored to comfortably accommodate a total of 52 passengers each.
AC Chair Coaches ColorAqua Color
AC Executive Chair Coaches ColorPink Color
Pantry/Catering facilitiesYes (On Board Catering/E-Catering)
Observation FacilitiesLarge Windows in All Coaches
Entertainment FacilitiesOn-board WiFi, Infotainment System, Reading Light, Electric, Outlets, Bottle Holder, Seat Pockets, Tray Table
Charging FacilitiesYes
Seating ArrangementAirline Style, Rotatable seats
Baggage FacilitiesOverhead Racks
Sleeper ClassesNo
Other FacilitiesKAVACH, Additional Parking Brakes and Traction Motor System, Smoke Alarms, CCTV Cameras, Bio-Vacuum Toilets, Sensor-based Water Taps, Roller Blinds, Automatic Doors, Odour Control System

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What time does the 22436 New Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express depart and arrive?

The train leaves New Delhi at 06:00 AM and reaches Varanasi Junction at 02:00 PM.

How long does the 22436 New Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express take to travel, and how far does it go?

The train covers a distance of 759 km in 8 hours, with an average speed of 95 km/h.

How often does the 22436 New Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express run, and on which days?

This train runs six days a week, but it does not operate on Thursdays.

What is the route of the 22436 New Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express?

The train travels from New Delhi → Kanpur Central → Prayagraj Junction → Varanasi Junction.

How many stops does the 22436 New Delhi-Varanasi Vande Bharat Express make?

The train stops at Kanpur Central and Prayagraj Junction.

Know More: Explore Vande Bharat Express Trains by State/Union Territory in India | Navigate Vande Bharat Express Trains Across Indian Railways Zones | Uncover Currently Operational Vande Bharat Express Trains by Train Numbers

Discover More: Explore Currently Active Extended Vande Bharat Express Trains (20-Coach) | Explore Currently Active Regular Vande Bharat Express Trains (16-Coach) | Explore Currently Active Mini Vande Bharat Express Trains (8-Coach)

Explore More: Access Complete Lists of Currently Active Vande Bharat Express Trains | Explore the Latest News on Vande Bharat Express | Stay Informed about Future Vande Bharat Train Services | Stay Informed about Future Vande Metro Train Services

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