Explore the Vande Bharat Express train lists running from Karnataka, India. Uncover essential details such as schedules, routes, stops, coach position, platform number, fares, and more from the lists provided below. Currently, 12 Vande Bharat Express trains are running from Karnataka, connecting various states, Union Territories, and cities, or operating within the state.
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Sate | 16-Coach | 8-Coach | Total |
Karnataka | 1 | 11 | 12 |
Note: In the context of Vande Bharat Express trains, “16 Coach” or “Car” refers to the Regular Vande Bharat Express, while “8 Coach” or “Car” denotes the Mini Vande Bharat Express.
Lists of Vande Bharat Express Trains Running from Karnataka
Currently, 12 Vande Bharat Express Trains Operate from Karnataka (State)
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Discover More: Navigate Vande Bharat Express Trains Across Indian Railways Zones | Uncover Currently Operational Vande Bharat Express Trains by Train Numbers | Explore 16 Active Regular Vande Bharat Express Trains (16-Coach) | Discover 44 Active Mini Vande Bharat Express Trains (8-Coach) | Discover 8 Active Extended Vande Bharat Express Trains (20-Coach)
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